About Us

At Pillar Acquisitions, we are more than just a real estate investing company; we are a small, intimate, and faith-based team driven by a profound love for people. Our mission is to create meaningful relationships and provide housing solutions that go beyond transactions - we strive to establish homes where families can thrive.

At the core of our values is the belief that every home is a sanctuary, and we take pride in our commitment to revitalizing properties to transform them into warm, welcoming spaces that families can proudly call home. Our focus extends beyond bricks and mortar; we aim to build environments that foster a sense of belonging and security.

Driven by our faith-based principles, Pillar Acquisitions is dedicated to addressing the pressing issue of affordable housing through innovative and creative strategies. We envision a future where everyone has access to quality housing, and our endeavors are designed to benefit not just our company but the communities and families we serve.

Join us on our journey as we work passionately to create lasting impacts, one home and one relationship at a time.

Here's what our customers say

He made the process incredibly easy, addressing our concerns with enthusiasm and providing us with solutions. Mike's professionalism, transparent communication, and fair deal helped us move on to our next chapter. If you want an investor who not only makes it easy but also thinks outside the box, Mike is the way to go!"


"With no equity and facing the chance of paying out of pocket to sell through a realtor, we thought our options were limited. However, Mike's creative approach to our situation was a game-changer. He provided a solution that saved us from financial strain and made the entire process very easy. I wasn't on board at first but in the end he turned what seemed impossible into a stress-free reality. We are grateful for the creative solution provided by Mike and his team and will recommend their services to anyone facing similar situations."


"Selling our home to Mike was a true blessing during a challenging time. Falling behind on payments had us thinking of bankruptcy, and we felt trapped. Mike, however, became our solution. The process was remarkably smooth, and his guidance was invaluable. We are thankful for the assistance and recommend their services."

-Jason & Kimberly